Polish politics

Dojścia i furtki w murze
Most work permits for foreigners... from outside Europe!
"My wiemy, ...
Tusk holds the cards by the orders. Who will go on the march on October 1?
They bet on helping Ukraine at the expense of the Polish economy!
Ppoverty does not disgrace
On the side of 16 million employees
Ukraine showed Poland the great! fresh  Bosak & Mentzen is on YouTube
“They went crazy, they went crazy, they got lost”, that is, awakening with a hand in the potty
Krzysztof Bosak mocno o polityce prowadzonej przez Ukrainę
Sławomir Mentzen o “stalkującym Ryszardzie Petru”
P. Krzemiński: Appeal to Polish bishops
“SHOCKING INVESTIGATION: Szc... C... nks... origin  a fresh  form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; Here's all the evidence...”
Look up, prof.  Hołyst! [letter]
Wzięli się za łby
Account for Ukraine
Pol'and'Rock Festival, a systemic corporate festival
Žižek: In what sense is atomic war inevitable?
Do we gotta take it out on children?
Confederation does not let go of visa scandal — THERE is simply a PETITION to the Prime Minister
Abp Gądecki: Kryzys Kościoła Katolickiego w Niemczech może rozlać się na inne kraje
Czy Polska powinna poddać się przymusowej relokacji imigrantów?
“Kiev took what it wanted and wiped the level  with the politicians of the PIS”
The Left Wants civilian   Oversight of Police
“Thank you” in Ukrainian
Drunk Ukrainian demolished the chapel!
Ukrainians took arms from us, now they are blackmailing us
Games of inequality of Uncle Balcerowicz's name
Europejskie więzienie
Under the store, a fresh  masculinity attacked me. How to defend  guys from themselves?
Are we good people? [about “Green Border”]
Belgijskie szkoły płoną po wprowadzeniu permisywnej seksualizacji dzieci
Anna-Maria Żukowska: Polska nie powinna partycypować w przydziale uchodźców
Ukraina złożyła pozew przeciwko Polsce, Słowacji i Węgrom
We bill Ukraine! Cost of aid: PLN 100 billion
Beauty, order and order
“Range hacker”: In the next election, it is the algorithms that will elect the government for us
PiS and the president   add another chapter “History of Stupidity in Poland”
Puste miejsce po wodzu
Kneeler for Duda! So that he is comfortable listening to Zielenski