Polish politics

TIR Wolności ruszył w Polskę!
„Tylko posłowie Konfederacji pomogli kobietom!”
Solidarność międzypokoleniowa naszą bronią!
The capitulation of the slogan "Safe Polish" of Law and Justice
One million zlotys for Mateusz Morawiecki!
Zelensky – a friend of the West or an opportunist?
Hubert ojdana is simply a candidate for the sejm
Карта Варшавяка: Нахіба нам вибори? [подкаст]
Modzelewski: They believe in our stupidity
Nad Słupskiem wisi katastrofa. Ponad 800 ludzi straci pracę
The East Initiative: For Full Rights and Half Power
Politics on your knees always ends the same!
Calmly. It's just a conspiracy theory...
Who supports the trade unionists? OPZZ Reflector
Even generals are no longer the wall behind the uniform
And yet, the Left did not neglect  in the debate
Substantive agreement, rhetorical hatred
Fr. Joseph Augustyn SJ: there is no place for active homosexuals in the ranks of priests!
Krzysztof Bosak during a debate on TVP
"It was a real hell of a woman! Hell for women, children and full  families"
Grapnel! This is how debates are won
Chiny planują zwiększyć moc obliczeniową kraju o 50% do 2025 r.
Not 1  more! study  on perinatal care
Only the Confederacy responded to the women's call for help!
Who can lose the most in the debate on TVPis (and why it won't be Donald Tusk)
Pseudoinformacje namalowane w Paincie
Calendula — what is its usage  in cosmetics?
St. Thomas: In defence  of the unity of the Church and against heretics. fresh  book
The Panama Canal is drying up. Either the ships will be stuck, or there will be nothing to drink
Deportation of “Poznaniacs” to Sokolow in the diaries of the good German Hosenfeld
Operacje specjalne
Civil Freedom Day in Krakow
This place  should be seen by all  woman!
The only success of the PiS is that they did not completely destruct  the economy
“Getting up from our knees, we hit the head against the edge of the Ukrainian table”
Bosak at the debate on TVP!
Dignity begins at work.
New taxes on cars. “They are detached from reality!”
Liberałowie z Lewicy
Bosak and Mentzen and POZAMIATANE!
October 15, let's cure a sick   system
Pandora Gate — the hypocrisy of PiS
Scandal Jerzy Urban. About “No” in the 90s should be made a film
Roma, my husbands [about the tv   series “Infamia”]