Polish politics

Lis, Tusk, Congress: where the women fight, the peasant benefits, and the priest will besides  drip
PiS is part of the extremist  right international. He hopes to beat Brussels with it
You make memes about Královec, and the nationalists have taken over the energy crisis
What will the left promise us that Tusk has not promised?
Capitalism preys on women's bodies
Žižek: Women, life, freedom and the left
Donald Tusk received a loan
Monbiot: A government of oligarchs for oligarchs
"Derry Girls": The component  of laughter versus violence
Solutions that are good for students on the spectrum or ADHD will be good for everyone
Whatever is the beginning here will have its consequences
UK: A neoliberal grenade exploded in the hands of the government
For women, for life, for freedom. Protests in Iran are gaining momentum
Wawel, Powązki, death: what memory did Jerzy Urban deserve?
We have something to build on. Polish school is not only problems
Short circuit: Second wave of privatization. School is bad and will get worse
Short circuit: There is no democracy without a good public school
The life of a dishonest contrarian
Blood, Stink and Tears [Spurek's Law]
Varoufakis: How capitalism has poisoned its own money
Handbook of affirmative  Thinking? [about "The Manifesto" by Bernardine Evaristo]
Biographies can be interesting. As long as individual   can tell them well
Life on credit. Conversation with Mikołaj Lewicki
Girzyńskie, Kukizy, Mejzy will arrange your choices
What a far-right triumph  will bring to Italy and Europe
Entrepreneurs, halt  lying about your long working hours
Most Slovaks want… a decisive triumph  for Russia
Radoslaw S. Czarnecki: past  and amnesia
Poland, an immigrant country. How to adapt the full   system?
Can you start punishing fake news now? We will see
From past  to HERstory. How to talk about the past
We know who will have the worst time this winter. "There will be an unbelievable price"
The ritual of common  listening
The West versus China and Russia. Who would win in this confrontation?
"Orlęta. Grodno'39": Anti-Semites are harmless, sometimes friendly
Abolish the police, prisons and borders. You gotta start somewhere
Change "to be"
Even more reasons not to cry for the Queen
Gdynia 2022: Buy a vibrator, turn on the music
Care work for the planet? Feminist objections to zero waste
What is mourning for a dead river? [conversation]
Babes in the ass, we do a striptease
Europe should have listened to Poland. Now Poland should perceive  to Europe
Beware of Deviance, or Italian Brothers vs. Peppa Pig
Who to aid  first? Ask the children
What's incorrect  with the economy?
Szajs in - crap  fashion that you can't resist
"Codename Poland": A bit of real Poland
“Poles will do anything for honor.” Krzysztof Bosak asked about Poland's bargaining position in relations with Ukraine
No satisfaction, no money, no sense of purpose. This is how the media works