Polish politics

Jan Kłosta is simply a winner of the Roman Dmowski Foundation Award
Iza Leszczyna announces the liquidation of Poland...
Eternal April Fool's Day
Dear, ineffective, harmful! The drug for Covid-19 will no longer be funded by the Ministry of Health
A list of unwanted guests in the Bąkiewicz media was published. On the list Jacek Międlar and Katarzyna Treter-Sierpińska
Philosophy of capitulating state. PO in the run  offers little  than PiS in 2015
Young guys can't find a male function  model, so they look for a tutor. They are embraced by the Confederation
Austria: boycott of Zełeński's speech
"Are you scared? That's great!" – or what connects Friz and Mentzen
Granny duplicates stereotype
The success of many fathers and mothers
Donald Tusk's Festival of Promises
Autumn in the land of Jarząbków
Helicopter and girl
Questions for defenders of John Paul II
Samochód, dom, wolność… To wszystko możesz stracić [RAPORT PCh24]
Freedom is bondage, ignorance is strength
Iwicki: Let's start talking before it's besides   late
She killed due to the fact that she felt like a man? fresh  York Times's Astonishing Comment on the Nashville Massacre
Handling the emotions of young conservatives
Multicrisis prediction comes true
Just a hero! First he accepted Ukrainian grain, now he wants to liquefy it
Second planet  Scon
1 euro for the theoretical state of Tusk and Platform
PiS is like a natural disaster for the opposition
Third anti-system force
Poland for Poles?
Catherine TS: “You had, chamie, the golden horn”
The Polish economy, or what?
Scandal at a retreat in Toruń: "each of us is simply a whore"
In a children's home run by a Ukrainian woman, children were to be sexually abused, starved and beaten. She faces 15 years in prison
Why does the right hatred  thermal modernization?
The fresh  authorities of the independency  March Association are “securing the estate.” Bąkiewicz writes about... burglary
Occupation: grandmother
Varoufakis: Let the banks burn
Third Arcysystem Force
P. Krzemiński: Treasure of Tradition as the hope of the Church
Glapinski commemorates criminal
Bosak says he doesn't want to be in power
The broiling of 1  list
Save Psychiatry
Passenger names rms “titanic” (from oldest to youngest)
Children come from their parents
Carpe diem
Ukraine persecutes Hungarians
Żenada, przemoc, wulgarność. Patocelebryci przejmują polski show-biznes
Criticism of capitalism distracts from the real issues? [interview with Kacper Pobłocki]
There utilized  to be no force  among teenagers… Really?
Catherine TS: They hid the Jews, and the hebrew  delivered them to death
Passenger list rms “titanic”