
A teenager with a telephone  enters the church. Solidarity Poland xuj shoots
Germany and France are taking Ukraine to Poland. Saryusz-Wolski warns of EU trap [VIDEO]
Golla: Germany is arming
Pole in Hanoi again
In the Shadow of War
The Roma are the largest number  in modern Europe and they are discriminated against everywhere
Between globalization and the politics of large  powers
Israel: Far-right takes over courts. Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators in the streets
Sirzewo 5  years later. Dams won't aid  rivers - they can only hurt
Britain wants atomic annihilation?
"Sondaż obywatelski", czyli politycy, towarzysze i dziennikarze udają "szarego człowieka"
Today's republic with a joint electoral list of anti-system groupings
“Goudomor” like Holodomor, or hypersensitivity in Ukrainian
Ukraine fights Orthodoxy
Democracy as a weapon. Global Times on 20th Anniversary of American Aggression on Iraq
The strong and the weak, or about the power of social engineering
Polyomski: Putin and Putinization