
How fateful should the Left's electoral consequence  be for the 3  tenors to pay with their heads?
Poland Is 1  a nationwide committee
The Ukrainian took a genetic test. He received the results and set fire to the laboratory
Jak opozycja pomaga PiS utrzymać władzę?
"JFK and MARILYN MONROE: erstwhile   the actual  communicative   is far alien  than the fiction fabricated by the Khazars".
"Official governor's reports around the planet  prove that piss...ings C.... are causing depopulation at a frightening rate."
Biernacki: Is it permissible to slander people?
"Doomsday scenarios: possible events that could origin  human extinction"(video).
Slovakia at a crossroads. Will elections stabilize the country?
"Sack" under Rabotino?
Law and Justice embezzled billions for empty "covid" beds, led to excess deaths! Key findings of the NIK study  [VIDEO].
Immigrant scandal. "We want to summon before the investigative committee Kaczynski".
Cyra: Pilecki and Cyrankiewicz
Statement by Dr. Lucyna Kulinskaya
Is it worth dying for a Sunday trading ban?
Pendolino, a symbol of unsustainability
Skalski: Doctor Sławek will not save Poland