
“They hide crime statistic  with the nationality breakdown of the perpetrators”
Is it possible to denigrate people?
Czy tak chcemy żyć? Narodowa recenzja programu Konfederacji - część druga
Biejat: It is not adequate  to return to the order that was before PiS
Could a number  government turn out to be the lesser of 2  evils?
“So that Poland should be Polish. So that the Poles should be at home.”
What can the opposition play on the visa affair (and why not more?)
A country you can number  on
Election games
Yes the government loot citizens!
Official figures: Millions of foreigners downloaded 500+. That number is growing!
Pozbawieni złudzeń wprowadzą realne zmiany
Journalist colleagues: halt  talking about migrations with 1  voice from PiS and KO
Visa Affair. Intervention of Confederate MPs!
What should a Catholic do in the face of the forthcoming Synod on Synodality?
About the treacherous conference in Abbeville on September 12, 1939, which contributed to Poland's defeat in the defensive war [VIDEO]
Dr. Martyka: “Another effort  to origin  a panic epidemic! This time will we say a firm NO?”