
800+ for thieves
Massive Attack and Sławomir, or the 3rd  Road to Nowhere
"Liberal communist", "Red Prince" or "King" - who was Giorgio Napolitano?
Is the question about tanks given to Ukraine propaganda? Minister Błaszczak's bizarre answer [VIDEO]
Co Janusz Korwin-Mikke trzyma w lodówce?
Obchody 81 rocznicy powstania Narodowych Sił Zbrojnych
Lewicki: Between Ukrainian vodka and Canadian snack
Confederation MP without beating around the bush: The Border defender  should shoot at migrants storming the Polish border [VIDEO]
Multiculturalism is killing Sweden. Will PiS treat Poland to the same scenario?
Witek, don't lie about these women
"PiS wanted to get to the elections on inexpensive  fuel"
"Globalists wear the symbol of our enslavement"
Fico defeated (Progressive) Slovakia. Is it bad and what's next?
The Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance is again distorting the past  of the OUN and UPA, denying their crimes against Poles
PiS is the organization  of mass and uncontrolled immigration
Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger - "WHO's genocide program advances"
Not honey but honey mixture?