
Historical calendar: October 20, 1655 - Radziwill signs the Kiev treaty
Rev. Prof. Dariusz Kowalczyk: building consensus the chief mission of the Church? With whom and around what?
This "concrete" is being rapidly  implemented. erstwhile  militiamen return to privileges en masse
Witold Gadowski: Poland is beauty and harmony; freedom, but based on values
Deconstruction in Catholic fashion: "Choose: law or justice"
Witold Jurasz: We have invested a lot in Ukraine, but we have stayed in the car
CMG Interview with Leslie Valiant: We Can't quit Control to Machines
A dangerous Ukrainian smuggling refugees has been arrested
The problem of immigrants in Europe in the position  of the discipline  of civilizations - Magdalena and Adam Wielomskis
Vilnius: The myths of Lithuanian nationalism
Is it possible to fight poorness  and preserve Western “values”?
Warsaw: The 2nd National Papal March commemorated Father Jerzy Popiełuszko
Tusk again straddles the corner
Far left presents draft law on “civil partnerships”
Bishop Leszkiewicz to hunters: "Everything that comes from God's hand has been given to man"