
September 17 – "The planet  is teetering on the brink of planet  War III ..........."
Let's not be kindling
Meeting with Dr. Lucyna Kulińska
Surveillance in Norway
Historical calendar: September 18, 1620 – Hetman Żółkiewski and the conflict  of Cecora
Chips by Intel: How to Do Good Business on the Oder
How do you do good business on the Oder?
Victims of the Volhynian massacre call for memory and truth
“To greater things.” St. Stanislaus Kostka fled from worldliness. Today, the Church is being captured by it.
An oxalis once! Is this a prelude to Donald Tusk's presidential campaign?
Mentzen to Wojewódzki on the Church: a lasting strategy   of values that is at least worth considering
A collection alternatively  of a state
Levitsky: Who will become the fresh  U.S. president?
Jews deny Palestinians access to drinking water
Let's thank these ladies!
We remember!
Shocking indifference! Poland does not want to defend its own children?
Our diagnoses are confirmed. Kindness was mistaken for weakness