
"This bill should be called the Fred Flintstone Act"
The synodal spirit enveloped the patrolog. The end of the persecution is... enslavement of the Church?!
" What Isaiah Explains "
November 20 -"Demonstrators Want planet  War to halt  Trump"
USA: fresh  head of the Communications Commission announces the fight against large  Tech censorship
Primary elections in the Civic Platform. 2  victims of the "Tusk doctrine"
KO chooses between itself, and Kaczyński between Poland and the party
As a mother, I say a firm NO to leftist propaganda and indoctrination of children!
"Warsaw is ready to die for abroad  interests"
The government failed the flood test! Neither during it nor after it
The fresh  Miss planet  and the Trump effect. Is there anything to be happy about?
Bishops at Jasna Góra. What did they decide? OUR COMMENT
Gianfranco Maria Chiti – a soldier in the service of God and neighbor
We were not told to apologize
Thailand counts on 4 million additional tourists. The reason? Legalization of same-sex pseudo-marriages
Mentzen: I am not curious  in the interests of Ukraine