Have you seen Kamala's Proposed extremist Cabinet? Eric Holder, Rahm Emanuel, And More...

dailyblitz.de 2 months ago
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Have You Seen Kamala’s Proposed Radical Cabinet? Eric Holder, Rahm Emanuel, And More…

Via Revolver.news,

It seems Obama is angling for a fourth term, which is why he’s sidelined Biden in favor of Kamala Harris—the unpopular, inexperienced DEI diva who reportedly used her “womanly ways” to get ahead.

Why do we know this? We got a sneak peek at Kamala’s proposed cabinet, and it’s a who’s who of Obama-era radicals, starting with head Marxist Eric Holder and the progressive disaster who torched Chicago, Rahm Emanuel. If this scary group of radicals doesn’t light a fire in you to ensure President Trump gets reelected, nothing will.

If Harris and Walz weren’t radical enough, check out her proposed cabinet: Eric Holder as Chief of Staff, Jake Sullivan as Secretary of State, Rahm Emanuel as National Security Advisor. Notice a pattern? The Obama/Biden „Fundamental Transformation” continues… pic.twitter.com/7LAHN6wiq3

— Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) August 15, 2024

What’s truly frightening is that these names represent a return to some of the most broken aspects of America.

Many people believe the Harris/Walz campaign is the biggest astroturf psyop in US political history, which says a lot considering what they pulled off with Basement Biden. At least Biden was well-known and liked by some clueless voters. Harris doesn’t even have that going for her, and as for Tim Walz, no one knows who he is unless you call him “Tampon Tim.”

The Kamala Psyop pic.twitter.com/Mg4hp6woG5

— Karli Bonne’ (@KarluskaP) August 16, 2024

We also know that the Harris/Walz duo is the most radical duo to ever grace the campaign trail, and Kamala’s cabinet list tells you that this crazy train isn’t slowing down.

Kamala Harris was the architect of the DEFUND THE POLICE movement.

Tim Walz was an arbiter of the SUMMER OF LOVE.

This ticket is more than radical, it’s tyrannical. pic.twitter.com/Ty0zA7y2ex

— Wesley Hunt (@WesleyHuntTX) August 15, 2024

The radical connections—from the trans agenda to backing Hitler-supporting terrorists—are flooding the internet, and the campaign is reeling, even if they won’t admit it.

Kamala Harris KNOWS Tim Walz’s connections to a radical Muslim imam is a liability, otherwise her campaign wouldn’t have denied it so forcefully. GOP needs to keep the pressure on pic.twitter.com/P1CKRti87J

— Liz Wheeler (@Liz_Wheeler) August 14, 2024

A Harris/Walz presidency would be the final nail in America’s coffin. Not to be too hyperbolic, but with the level of extremism and liberal insanity that this administration would bring, especially with the likes of Eric Holder, Jake Sullivan, and Rahm Emanuel, there’s no way America could withstand another four years under such extremism.

You can watch the entire Glenn Beck video here:

A Harris/Walz presidency would be the final nail in America’s coffin. Without being too hyperbolic, the level of extremism and liberal insanity this administration would bring—especially with figures like Eric Holder, Jake Sullivan, and Rahm Emanuel—would be more than America could withstand. We can’t afford another four years of such extremism.

It’s time to take a stand and ensure this doesn’t happen. Get out there, make your voice heard, and fight for the future of this country before it’s too late. This is our last stand.

Tyler Durden
Tue, 08/20/2024 – 16:20

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