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Polish politics
World politics
Ukraine Approves Language Law Criticized by Nation...
Ukrainian propaganda media spread the word that Tu...
The inspection of the Warmian-Masurian SG in compa...
Ukrainian media spread fake news in the scope of t...
Polish carriers are considering the anticipation ...
White home can't promise continuity in Ukraine's ...
Emilevich flew to the US to beg for further suppor...
Slovakia announced that two-thirds of the trucks i...
Lukasiewicz: It's a desperately bleak time
Alcohol and even more grenades. fresh information...
Ukrainians protest in front of Sejm demanding unbl...
Slovak Carriers endanger to Completely Block cruc...
Slovakia will strengthen control over Ukrainian tr...
“Has Kiev lost yet?” The German paper Welt claims...
Mekler: Ukrainian driver wanted to bully Polish ca...
Ukrainian correspondent of Radio WNET: No 1 has t...
The US legislature after the election of a fresh ...
Stormy session of the Zakopane City Council. The r...
The issue of Zaluzhny's resignation may decision ...
Zelensky vs. Załuzhny. In Ukraine it boils
Checks at the border origin a abrupt simplificat...
Ukrainians will protest in front of the Sejm build...
Polish carriers inform that the services are only ...
IPN on Operation "Vistula": Ukrainians wanted to l...
Wild animals from Ukraine are at work again in Pol...
Trading ban on Christmas Eve. It is known which st...
The work of 2 more checkpoints on the Polish-Ukra...
Seniors can gain more. fresh pension limit regul...
Hungarian activists blocked the entry of Ukrainian...
The Ministry of Interior and Administration announ...
The Ministry of Infrastructure announced intensifi...
After 3 hours, Ukrainians ended their hunger prot...
Huge queues in front of offices all over Poland. F...
Ukrainians are blackmailing Poland with a hunger s...
"As a Pole, I am an inferior race in Ukraine." One...
Ukraine spreads fake news about an alleged agreeme...
When the broken clock showed the right time
Słowaccy działacze na granicy z Ukrainą zaprzeczaj...
BRAWO! Słowaccy przewoźnicy zablokowali przejście ...
Abonament RTV będzie automatycznie doliczany do po...
Ukraińcy biorą masowo kredyty na mieszkania i domy...
„Arogancki banderowiec”. Polacy ostro zareagowali ...
Nocna warta polityków Konfederacji na granicy z Uk...
Dzicz z Ukrainy zwana kierowcami zablokował drogę ...
Przedstawiciele przewoźników z uwagi na konflikt z...
Adina Valean: UE i Ukraina nie może być zakładniki...
Protest na granicy z Ukrainą. Słowacy dołączają do...
Zełenski został wyśmiany gdy próbował pogodą wyjaś...
O co chodzi w strajkach na granicy polsko-ukraińsk...
Ministerstwo opublikowała listę firm importujących...