
Węgry określiły warunek zniesienia weta ws. pomocy dla Ukrainy
Exodus in the police. More than half of the commanders of provincial units are leaving the service
Dorohusk border crossing unblocked. 1  of the local entrepreneurs sold out
Przedstawiciel ukraińskiego biznesu interweniował u sługi kijowskich terrorystów pełniącego rolę wójta gminy Dorohusk w sprawie protestu przewoźników
Dorohusk: Polish "militia" tried to forcibly remove protesters on the border with Ukraine. Carriers don't give up
Polish "Militia" protects Ukraine's interests by acting against Polish carriers
Slovak carriers resumed blockade of checkpoints on the border with Ukraine
Ukrainian boors claim that they have threatened the mayors of the municipalities where the protests are taking place with lawsuits
Slovak and Hungarian carriers will block border crossings with Ukraine. "Ukraine is an global  problem"
Ukraine will have the chance  to fight on the front only in 2025
Followers of Banderism want to teach Poles how to give birth with the “Volyn Trauma”
Ukraine Approves Language Law Criticized by National Minorities
Ukrainian propaganda media spread the word that Tusk will unblock the border blocked by carriers
The inspection of the Warmian-Masurian SG in companies “employing” foreigners revealed many irregularities
Ukrainian media spread fake news in the scope of the alleged call of Western trade associations to boycott Polish companies
Polish carriers are considering the anticipation   of tightening the blockade due to the transportation of Ukrainian tires by rail
White home  can't promise continuity in Ukraine's continued funding
Emilevich flew to the US to beg for further support for Ukraine
Slovakia announced that two-thirds of the trucks inspected from Ukraine were transporting illegal goods
Lukasiewicz: It's a desperately bleak time
Alcohol and even more grenades. fresh  information on the detonation  at the Police Headquarters
Ukrainians protest in front of Sejm demanding unblocked border
Slovak Carriers endanger  to Completely Block crucial  Border Crossing with Ukraine
Slovakia will strengthen control over Ukrainian trucks passing through the republic
“Has Kiev lost yet?” The German paper  Welt claims that Ukraine is “falling apart” and that Orbán was right, but “no 1  dares to admit it"”
Mekler: Ukrainian driver wanted to bully Polish carriers and committed insulting the state flag
Ukrainian correspondent of Radio WNET: No 1  has the right to block the border with Ukraine
The US legislature  after the election of a fresh  announcer did not approve a single aid package for Ukraine
Stormy session of the Zakopane City Council. The reason is the presence of a deputy minister from the bankrupt PiS party. “What are you even doing here?”
The issue of Zaluzhny's resignation may decision  to a applicable  level
Zelensky vs. Załuzhny. In Ukraine it boils
Checks at the border origin  a abrupt  simplification  in transports with “humanitarian aid”. It comes out as the Ukrainians combine
Ukrainians will protest in front of the Sejm building on December 6 against the blockade on the border
Polish carriers inform that the services are only now inspecting Ukrainian trucks. Boska: "Banana republic..."
IPN on Operation "Vistula": Ukrainians wanted to live in brick houses
Wild animals from Ukraine are at work again in Poland. This time blocking the road close  Zamość
Trading ban on Christmas Eve. It is known which stores will be open
The work of 2  more checkpoints on the Polish-Ukrainian border has been suspended. Currently, there are 2,500 cars in the queue
Seniors can gain  more. fresh  pension limit regulations have come into force
Hungarian activists blocked the entry of Ukrainian trucks from Slovakia [+VIDEO]
The Ministry of Interior and Administration announced that the Border defender  requested Ukraine to open an additional lane for empty trucks
The Ministry of Infrastructure announced intensified inspections of Ukrainian carriers
After 3  hours, Ukrainians ended their hunger protest at the Korczowa-Krakowiec border crossing
Huge queues in front of offices all over Poland. From now on, you can reserve your PESEL number
Ukrainians are blackmailing Poland with a hunger strike if border capacity is not restored
"As a Pole, I am an inferior race in Ukraine." Onet and Rzeczpospolita uncover  the actual  face of Ukraine in the context of the protest of Polish carriers
Ukraine spreads fake news about an alleged agreement to block the border. Mekler: Nobody contacted us
When the broken clock showed the right time
Słowaccy działacze na granicy z Ukrainą zaprzeczają powiązaniom z Rosją
BRAWO! Słowaccy przewoźnicy zablokowali przejście graniczne z Ukrainą