
No consolations, on no topic
Privilege does not defend  against suffering, but...
Žižek: Is anti-capitalism anti-Semitic?
How tusk challenged poles from thieves in poznań
Devastation plus, imposibilism... plus too
"Jurij Bezmienow: Cztery etapy marksistowskiej ideologicznej subwersji"(video)
Migration referendum: PiS's desperate leap in pursuit of eluding power
TBS — Non-market Housing of the Turn of the Millennium
How to make love or screw, it's only politically
Consevatism of elites
Tadeusz Romer about Roman Dmowski
The pockets of the wearers are shaking
Referendum Kaczyńskiego nie ma nic wspólnego z referendum Komorowskiego
Borrower of inferior sort
Revolution is simply a female name
Mentzenowskie prescriptions
Klauzula na śmietnik
Voters' needs and support for the Left