
Heavy downpours are coming to Wrocław. Elevators in flat  blocks have already been turned off!
Covid psychosis at the Specialist infirmary  in Piła
Ryszard Czarnecki and his wife left jail after paying bail
Foreigners only on employment   contracts? Employers express strong opposition
Bodnar to resign! "This is not what the regulation  of law and democracy are about"
FLY91 to have fleet of 6 ATR-72 Aircraft by 2025
Boeing Company's 33,000 Workers Reject fresh  Contract, 96% Vote to Strike
The Folly Of Criminalizing "Hate"
Lewica zawsze z pracownikami!
The immigrants allegedly took pictures of the girls in front of the school. The Citizens' Patrol explained to the intruders that this was not allowed.
Can the client retreat  from the contract for circumstantial  work after 1  year from the completion of the order?
Manowska is in more and more trouble. Duda will not grant her an act of grace, unless it is in blank
Father Olszewski's representative: he is very upset that the episcopate did not take a stance on his case
September 12 – "ZOG Media Gaslights Threat of atomic  War"
Russia Ready To 'Combine Potential' With China If Faced With Western Aggression
Erdogan's Proposed muslim  Alliance Against Israel Is Pure Demagoguery
Idą niedobre czasy…
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