
Which of the Conservative scandals is your favourite  this week?
Unemployment is the responsibility  of the unemployed and another  “wisdom”
Kudi got hit?
25 cytatów, które pomogą zrozumieć, czym jest spowiedź
Handout: Has Russia already won a atomic  war?
Kiev against Romanian minority
Fear to be afraid! The algorithm studies the rhetoric of threats
Ikonowicz: We'll all eat
Petr Pavel wybrany na nowego prezydenta Czech
Piskorski: No ideas for Ukraine
Barbarossa - Militärische Sonderoperation 1941
Children see that no 1  wants to realize  them [interview]
Former German Ambassador: 'Polish 5  Minutes Can End Quickly'
Eternal apocalypse, or how the opposition helps PiS
Petr Pavel is the fresh  president   of the Czech Republic. It will strengthen the democratic camp of the Visegrad Group
Jastrzębski: Who needs Poland?
Death is inactive  circling over Poland
Partia Konserwatywna żąda od anglikanów uznania "homomałżeństw"