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Prof. Anna Raźny: The fall of civilization of Poland (2)
Shlęzak: Ukraine, Russia, or Poland?
Varoufakis: Will China break the unwritten deal with America?
"Diet from Auschwitz" alternatively  of treatment. Fatphobia and fatness in Polish offices
The defenders of Sikorski or Lis sound like PiS fanatics
The losers
Jews and Freemasons...
Paranoid obsession. Tusk's Valentine's Day
Slaves of false myths
Polska między Wschodem a Zachodem. Co z Ukrainą?
The genius of Silicon Valley
Americans fight UFOs
Zero enemies among neighbors
Przywitaj się z diabłem, czyli gra w Grammy
How the land of mud and marshes lost 85 percent of its most valuable aquatic ecosystems
Hearts darken from the excess of evil