
Let's defend  children from pornography! The Sejm received an application to registry  a legislative initiative committee
What will happen to the fresh  judges and what will the improvement  of the ultimate  Court occupied by Manowska look like? We know the assumptions of the reform
Schools to ban smartphones altogether? survey  reveals shocking truth
Jastrzębski – a fewer  words about the tactics of action
EasyJet London-Greece Flight Makes Emergency Landing as Drunk Passenger Storm Cockpit
Farmers are preparing for fresh  protests
Will AI lead to the demolition  of humanity? Prof. Zybertowicz on a script  more terrible than annihilation
Wejście na rympał do siedziby Marszu Niepodległości to zlecenie polityczne
Publiczne e-dzienniki od zaraz!
Who Drinks The Most Beer In The World?
Germany's AfD organization  Calls For End To Mail-In Ballots, Launches Probe Into Suspicious Software Error
Mentzen "launches 5% protocol" and shortly  there will be "moral victories" for the full  right wing
Tą akcją chcą przykryć 9 miesięcy nieudanych rządów Tuska
Bieleń: Constructing the Enemy
Air India 787 Plane Makes Emergency Landing in Moscow, Russia
"Whose utopia is slavery ....."
"September 4 – Is the war a farce to kill goyim?"
EU prosecutor opens investigation in Hungary… Even though it has no authority