
A widow does not end with a female  [Ernaux, Rudzka, Fiedorczuk]
"Woman, you can decide for yourself." But be careful, due to the fact that Ziobro will torment you for it
Hub: How to recover Poland?
No pressure: go vegan! Conversation with Everyday Hero
Trump's people are 1  step distant  from power in Congress. This is how polarization works
Monbiot: Art more valuable than life
Crisis in Pakistan: nihil novi or the vestibule of revolution?
Anti-entrepreneurial mentality — a fresh  illness  of civilization
Gdańsk — “City of Freedom”
Mannerheim and Zelensky
Ikonowicz: In captivity of lies
On November 1, I don't go to cemeteries
On a surviving  bond with ancestors
Elections in Denmark: from the mink scandal to the success of the social democrats
The Confederacy's Way to Fight Inflation: extremist  taxation  Cut and Social Spending Cuts.
Turn on thinking, be the change
“Why is Poland gaining fresh  citizens?” — about Karet Poland from the Belarusian perspective
Onda rosa in Brazil