UCLA Med School Forces Students To Attend Hamas Supporter's Lecture On “Housing Injustice”

dailyblitz.de 6 months ago
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UCLA Med School Forces Students To Attend Hamas Supporter’s Lecture On „Housing Injustice”

First-year medical students at UCLA were mandated to attend a lecture by Lisa “Tiny” Gray-Garcia, a supporter of Hamas, who criticized modern medicine as „white science” and urged them to worship „mama Earth”, according to a new report from the New York Post.

During the presentation, which was part of the school’s curriculum, Gray-Garcia covered her face with a keffiyeh and drew parallels between homelessness and the situation in the Gaza Strip, as shown in a video posted online.

The lecture titled “Housing (In)justice in LA: Addressing Unhousing and Practicing Solidarity” was delivered at the medical school’s Geffen Hall. Naturally, it triggered a complaint by the university’s Jewish Faculty Resilience Group.

Gray-Garcia has, on social media, claimed that the October 7 attack was justified the next day.

She wrote: “As we hold our relatives in Occupied Palestine, and all of Mama Earth in prayer and love, we need to make connections. For us houseless, indigenous, swept/evicted people — we [are] not separate from this struggle — we suffer from the same settler colonial terror.”

The „lecturer” / Photo: Facebook

She then wrote on November 1: “When you resist after decades of relentless policing, killing and terrorizing, that’s not ‘terrorism,’ that’s justice.”

Gray-Garcia said during her totally normal, well-adjusted speech: “Mama Earth was never meant to be bought, sold, pimped or played.”

The New York Post reported that Gray-Garcia posted on Tik Tok stating: “Not only are our bodies considered unclean in public, not only are our lives criminalized for being outside without a roof, but politricksters use us for their campaigns.”

The Post, citing the Washington Free Beacon wrote:

Gray-Garcia went on to note that California spent $30 million “on the removal of our houseless bodies” and asked students to think about how many homes could be built with that money “even in these inflated, ridiculous prices of commodified Mama Earth.”

At another point during the lecture, Gray-Garcia is said to have called modern medicine “white science” and said they were in “what the settlers call LA,” according to the Free Beacon.

She also reportedly led students in a chant of “Free, free Palestine,” the report says. Riveting stuff.

Fox News spoke with some students about the event, one of which called it „crazy” and added: “I was very deeply offended and disgusted…I think even probably all students who stood up [during the prayer], a good number felt unsettled regardless of your religious persuasion.”

“I think a lot of the students have the sense that this is weird or out of place.”

The Jewish faculty group wrote to UCLA’s Chancellor, saying it should have „never” taken place, according to the report: “If anything of that ilk managed to occur on campus notwithstanding efforts to avoid it, the immediate obligation of all administrative staff should have been to end it immediately and to support the students who have been mistreated.”

“Instead, staff acted exactly to the contrary of their duties.” They wrote that Gray-Garcia also once came to campus wearing a “terrorist-themed costume.”

Tell us again how this helps doctors solve medical issues?

Tyler Durden
Sun, 04/07/2024 – 21:35

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