To Hell With The Will Of The People... 2 months ago
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To Hell With The Will Of The People…

Via ReMix News,

The globalist left is increasingly unscrupulous in its disregard for the voters’ choice.

The third-strongest faction, the Patriots for Europe, will not have a single official in the European Parliament. It won’t happen, because the globalist-Jacobin majority —which, for the sake of simplicity, is mostly called “the left” — is violating all written rules and customary law and ignoring the will of the people and has now prevented it. The Ursulas announced that, in their opinion, the sovereigntist faction — largely created by Viktor Orbán— is far-right and, as such, anti-Europe, anti-progress and anti-humanity, and therefore should be quarantined, isolated and suffocated.

There is no talk of their deportation yet, but based on the dynamics of events, this may even happen in a few years.

Germany’s Manfred Weber, of the group of the European People’s Party listens during a press briefing at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. (AP Photo/Jean-Francois Badias)

So the Patriots get nothing, let alone positions — perhaps even eventually a few bullets, like Fico and Trump. This is how people’s representation “works” for the champions of democracy in Brussels.

In fact, one of the pillars of Ursula von der Leyen’s forthcoming five-year EU commission presidency will be to break down resistance to the imperialism of the EU, to remove the veto of small states, especially the meddling Hungary. If there is no veto, everyone will do what the big ones want. In other words: “Shut up!”

Now, imagine for a moment that in the Hungarian parliament, opposition parties could not nominate vice-presidents to head the House, could not have committee chairs and vice-chairs. Obviously, the problem is with the Hungarian conception of democracy, but in this country such a thing has not even been thought of — neither during the period of left-wing nor right-wing governments did anyone think of such a despicable act, such disregard for the will of the electorate. But Brussels has done so without scruples. They take part in this disgusting act and in the meantime, act as if nothing had happened, as they continue lecturing us about democracy, the rule of law, checks and balances.

Where is the respect for the will of the voters? The rule of the people? The principle of popular sovereignty? Of course, we Hungarians have a dictatorship on the rampage, where even with a two-thirds majority from Fidesz, there is always an opposition leader (this time Zoltán Sas, a Jobbik member of the National Security Committee), not to mention the opposition deputy speakers of the National Assembly and many other officials.

So goes the trampling of voters by the European People’s Party (EPP). In order to give the globalists a majority, Manfred Weber, with the spine of a snail, has teamed up with the Bolsheviks — as if he had just been ordered to do so by text message. He lured the more naive right-wingers to his side with blatant lies and nationalist promises, only to be swept away by the left’s agenda.

Even though his voters are fed up with illegal migrants, Weber and his crew do not care — with their approval they will continue to fly and ship millions of Africans and Asians into the continent because the population replacement must continue. Weber is like a hijacker: He has hijacked the right-wing vote. If I say that this figure is a fraud, a scoundrel traitor, a moral lunatic, I am certainly putting it too mildly.

But it’s not just the will of the voters that globalists ignore. A few years ago, during one of the hearings of the show trials against Hungary, the European Parliament failed to get the necessary number of votes for the next “yes” vote, so the vote was repeated the next day, citing “technical reasons.” So it was done. Ursula can roll her dice all she wants at home until she gets the position she wants, it’s a private matter. But the Union is not a flea circus, and we didn’t join it to be the playthings of evil villains who wipe their muddy boots on us every day.

The same was done when the Sargentini report was adopted: Abstentions were not taken into account, in violation of the EU treaties and the European Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, because that was the only way to force through the opening of Article 7 proceedings against our country. Of course, the European Court of Justice later legalized this breach of the law, but there is nothing surprising in that. The law is just a front for them; they are in fact the people’s commissioners of the open society. See their latest gigantic penalty against Hungary in the quota case.

The Ursulas are just puppets, doing whatever the Democratic puppet masters in Washington want them to do. It is therefore theoretically impossible for them to carry out what the majority of European voters want and what they are supposed to have been entrusted with. They are not interested in, and are even irritated by, the fact that the majority of Europeans do not want population replacement, multiculturalism, war, sanctions and war inflation.

In the autumn of 2022, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock summed up perfectly the Western elite’s view of democracy: “But if I promise the people of Ukraine that we will be on their side for as long as they need us, I intend to deliver. No matter what my German voters think.” Really, what do the voters’ opinions matter, right? The will of the people. The people are stupid, but the clever Baerbocks will do it for them. And if all these “smart” Baerbocks happen to start a world conflagration (apparently that’s their goal), so be it. We would have liked to have launched these half-wits into space in time.

Even in the supposed home of democracy, the United States, much is made of the opinion of the electorate, respecting the will of the people. For months, for years, people have been saying how healthy, how fresh and fresh in spirit President (Biden) is. Their soapboxes have been slamming the table, repeating that Biden is not lost in his own backyard, that he is not dozing off during a meeting, that it is all a lie of right-wing propaganda.

My favorite is the “fact-finding” by the Soros group Lakmusz, in which they proved, even in the moments before the fall, that footage of the president wandering around was manipulated.

Then Biden was pushed back from the presidential nomination like a draft. But the operators of the Biden remote control are betting big that millions of Americans put their faith in this old man in the Democratic primaries this spring after all. And when he was put in the Democratic seat, they knew exactly what a desperate state he was in: He was no less stammering and rambling then than he is now. So they had to have it, and the will of the people should be respected. By the way, if Biden is as unfit to run for president as he is now said to be — and as he was in 2020, by the way, but his caretakers denied it then — is he not unfit to run for president for the remaining six months?

It is getting more and more hypocritical, more and more shabby, both over there and here in Brussels. The way they blather on about democracy, the rule of law, diversity and solidarity.

The way they try to make you believe that they are democrats, while if you dare to say anything different from them, they threaten you, blackmail you, take your money and send you to Kyiv. Lately they’ve been talking about expelling us.

Elina Valtonen, the Finnish foreign minister, recently predicted that “Hungary should think about whether it is right for it to be a member of the EU, given its different values.”

OK, we will think about it.

There can be only one thing of value: what they have.

Only one opinion: theirs.

And only one party: the socialist-green-communist-democratic-rainbow coalition.

The future Party.

Everyone else is a Nazi. The cheeky people too, because despite the brainwashing they no longer applaud enthusiastically enough.

Tyler Durden
Fri, 07/26/2024 – 03:30

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