Mississippi Passes Law Banning Trans-Friendly Bathroom Policies In Public Schools

dailyblitz.de 5 months ago
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Mississippi Passes Law Banning Trans-Friendly Bathroom Policies In Public Schools

A lot of Americans are asking how we so quickly got to a point where a man could simply declare he is the opposite sex, throw on a wig and a leotard, and then walk into a women’s restroom while being protected by government officials?

In some Democrat controlled states if you try to stop these people from doing this you could even be arrested or sued. Even worse, the gender ideology has now infiltrated public schools where young and vulnerable children are subject to trans exceptionalism.

How did this happen?

Through a combination of political support, NGO influence, ESG money, corporate promotion, media propaganda and astroturf activism the trans movement gained momentum too swiftly to be countered in a practical way. The gears of local and state government turn slowly and convincing public officials that the gender ideology problem was a reality took time. That is how a movement representing only 1% of the population was suddenly in a position to dictate the speech and behavior of the other 99% – They had the backing of every major institutional power structure.

With Big Tech companies censoring or banning almost anyone questioning the gender cult and government officials vying to pass laws making criticism of trans people a hate crime, the effort was almost victorious. A lot of people were afraid to speak up for fear of being „cancelled.” Then public schools, teacher’s unions and other organizations started pushing gender theory onto kids and this is when things changed. Mess with people’s children and now you have a war on your hands.

The idea of biological males being allowed to enter girls bathrooms in a school setting was perhaps the straw that broke the camel’s back. This was a situation in which parent tax dollars were going towards the indoctrination of their own kids and putting those kids at risk from mentally unstable people. This is why homeschooling in the US in 2023 remained 45% higher than it was in 2019, even after covid mandates had been lifted. Public school enrollment has been falling nationwide. Americans don’t want their kids exposed to activist controlled environments.

Multiple red states are finally taking action to rectify the situation, much to the outrage of progressives. In particular, Utah and Mississippi have recently passed laws requiring trans people to use the bathroom that corresponds to their biological sex in public education centers (including in dorms and locker rooms). Mississippi State Governor Tate Reeves notes:

“It’s mind blowing that this is what Joe Biden’s America has come to…Having to pass common sense policies that protect women’s spaces was unimaginable just a few years ago. But here we are… we have to pass a law to protect women in bathrooms, sororities, locker rooms, dressing rooms, shower rooms, and more.”

Rob Hill, the Mississippi state director for the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest LGBTQ advocacy group, called the new law an attempt to “strip basic rights from LGBTQ+ people in our state”:

“This bill does nothing but attempt to push us further apart at the expense of LGBTQ+ people, who deserve the freedom to be and to use bathrooms and locker rooms without the prying eyes of politicians peering over the stall…Shame on the governor and the MAGA agenda of hate.”

But it’s the prying eyes of mentally deranged weirdos that these laws are specifically designed to address. Why are leftists so insistent on trans-friendly bathroom laws? It’s not about bathroom convenience. They know that it is a way to get their foot in the door in terms of special legal protections and government affirmation for the trans ideology. In other words, if the government recognizes your delusion your delusion becomes real. Trans friendly bathrooms in public schools are also a short skip away from trans privileged speech laws like those seen in Europe and Canada.

The political left relies on the conservative and moderate sense of compromise to gain advantage. Give them and inch and they will always take a mile, until one day your kids wake up in a world where being „trans” is the only way to get the government to take your concerns seriously.

Tyler Durden
Wed, 05/15/2024 – 20:00

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