Leftist Media Panic: defend Biden Or Get free Of Him After Disastrous Debate?

dailyblitz.de 3 months ago
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Leftist Media Panic: Protect Biden Or Get Rid Of Him After Disastrous Debate?

For those in the alternative media that have been tracking Joe Biden’s strange behavior over the past few years without putting on blinders, his recent performance at the first presidential debate was not surprising in the slightest. However, the establishment media has spent the better part of Biden’s first term creating an endless web of lies surrounding his mental health and committed the worst of all propagandist blunders: Believing their own disinformation.

This faux pas has led to an atmosphere of shock and panic from media pundits as they now scramble to figure out which narrative to go with as the Democratic National Convention approaches in Chicago, IL in August. The Dems now have a few weeks to decide if they are going to triple down on Joe Biden as a competent candidate, or, replace him at the last minute with someone less embarrassing but with very little time to campaign (making the Dems look incompetent anyway).

Watch as Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski on MSNBC’s 'Morning Joe’ bicker over which direction public perception should be molded in light of Biden’s terrible performance.

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski’s on-air tiff about Biden’s disastrous debate

Mika: „Everybody calm down, it’s fine to not spin what happened last night.”

Joe: „By the way Mika, everybody’s calm here, you’re the only one raising your voice…I said these were questions… pic.twitter.com/vTyPQoQWQH

— Eddie (@Eddies_X) June 28, 2024

This is, of course, assuming that decision hasn’t already been made behind closed doors. There are those that believe the powers-that-be never intended to run Biden for another term and that they’re throwing him to the wolves only to have a younger proxy come in and „re-energize” the political left. What is relatively certain at this point according to the polls and according to the general public reaction to the debate is that if Biden runs in November, he will lose.

On the other side of the leftist divide are the true cultists, the commentators and media pundits and „fact checkers” that refuse to say die. They will defend Biden to the very end, simply because they have nothing else to cling to and barely two brain cells to rub together. Example? Check out our favorite clucking hive of mentally disabled hens at The View; they argue that the event was somehow skewed against Biden and that he is actually quite coherent when he’s not on the debate stage.

Joy Behar of The View suggests the debate was skewed against Joe and that’s why he performed so poorly

Joe literally made all the conditions for the debate and it was held by his friends in the media

You can’t make this up pic.twitter.com/pnvoOw7xLE

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) June 28, 2024

In the meantime, the media „fact checkers” are on a rampage trying to sweep up after Biden’s mess, claiming that Donald Trump 'lied profusely’ throughout the debate. But as usual their fact checking relies on logical fallacies, strawman arguments and distractions from what Trump actually said. For example, when Trump stated that he had the most secure border in US history, The Guardian fact checkers claimed that the migrant surge started on Trump’s watch in 2020. This is false. In 2020 illegal border crossings plunged, primarily because of Title 42 and the removal of amnesty incentives for illegals. The surge started in 2021 under Biden.

It’s dishonest fact checking like this that is pushing more and more Americans over to the conservative side. Most Americans know the media has an obvious bias in favor of Joe Biden – Even Democrats are acknowledging this and they’re starting to wonder if that bias is going to destroy them in the end.

Sadly, there are some the GOP that still don’t get what is happening. There are already calls for Biden to be removed from office under the 25th Amendment, but why push for him to be replaced right before he’s about to be crushed in November? What is that famous saying from 'The Art Of War’? „Don’t interrupt your enemy while he’s in the middle of making a mistake…”

Tyler Durden
Sun, 06/30/2024 – 08:45

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