Harris Accidentally Admits The Economy-Crushing 'Green New Deal’ Is Her Real Agenda

dailyblitz.de 1 month ago

Harris Accidentally Admits The Economy-Crushing 'Green New Deal’ Is Her Real Agenda

Democrats (and Neo-Cons) never actually abandon an agenda, even if the majority of the population is against it. Instead, they look for the backdoor and pass legislation subversively by hiding it within other measures. The Green New Deal was a wildly unpopular concept rooted in UN-related climate directives on carbon emissions that would, if fully enforced, destroy the US economy in a decade or less.

The EU in particular has been aggressive in expediting similar programs which now threaten the agricultural base of half the Europe. This has led to rising farmer protests and given momentum to „far-right” movements, a prospect that the social engineers at the EU Commission seem to fear more than anything else. Their solution? They are attempting to bribe farmers with subsidies and have offered to lessen the number of visits farms would receive from bureaucratic agents armed with fines and red tape. How nice of them…

As Jeremy Clarkson has cleverly proven in his show 'Clarkson’s Farm’, trying to operate an agricultural business almost anywhere in Europe or the UK is a regulatory nightmare that would put most farmers in the US out of business immediately (America is headed in this direction). And that’s without the benefit of carbon emissions rules. Subsidies are the only thing keeping them alive, but the real trick is that the strict regulations force farmers into a position where they need subsidies. It’s a government enforced racket.

Europeans suffered supply chain collapse and true famine during and after WWII and the experience is still burned into their collective cultural memory. It’s hard to say if the bribery scheme will work out the way the EU elites hope. Once carbon rules are passed and accepted as the norm, though, there’s no chance that they will be rescinded. They will continue to be enforced even when food inflation skyrockets again and mass starvation becomes a reality.

In the US, staunch opposition from conservatives prevented the direct passage of the Green New Deal. Biden denied his administration had any intention of pursuing GND policies in 2020 during a debate with Donald Trump.

Biden was asked by moderator Chris Wallace if he supported the Green New Deal:

“No, I don’t support the Green New Deal,” Biden said.

“Oh you don’t? Oh, well, that’s a big statement,” Trump interrupted.

“I support the Biden plan that I put forward,” Biden said, “which is different than what (Trump) calls the ‘radical’ Green New Deal.”

Of course, Biden would later covertly embed carbon policies into his „Inflation Reduction Act” – A piece of legislation that utterly failed to accomplish its name (CPI measurements have gone down, but inflation has not), but succeeded in launching the first stage of climate controls outlined in the GND. Biden has continued to deny that the GND is a goal of his administration, but Kamala Harris seems to have spilled the beans in her first major media interview since she became the Democratic candidate.

Holy Shlit this is so bad

In the first clip, Kamala just admitted that the Inflation Reduction Act was a backdoor way to get the Green New Deal passed

She totally forgot the cover story they’ve been saying all alongpic.twitter.com/MeijpHA5lX

— Jack Poso (@JackPosobiec) August 29, 2024

“I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed…You mentioned the Green New Deal. I have always believed – and I have worked on it – that the climate crisis is real, that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time.”

Running damage control, the Harris campaign claimed after the interview that she „does not” support the Green New Deal. Except, she just said that her „values have not changed” in reference to the Green New Deal. The 'Inflation Reduction Act’ was a Trojan horse, and it’s only the beginning if Harris becomes president.

Man-made climate change theory is perhaps the biggest scientific fraud in our modern era, with absolutely no hard evidence that global warming is caused by human industrial or agricultural activity. Official temperature records used by climate scientists only date back to the 1880s; this is a tiny sliver of time in the Earth’s climate history. When we examine the long term temperature record there have been numerous warming periods long before human created emissions.

When we compare long term temperature records to the long term carbon record, it becomes clear that carbon-based emissions have little to no influence over the Earth’s climate. Correlation is not proof of causation, and in many cases there isn’t even evidence of correlation.

The Green New Deal has nothing to do with global warming and everything to do with environmental communism. One of the primary reasons why the GND failed to gain public support was because it included „Climate Justice” protocols which are designed to redistribute the wealth of richer nations over to poor nations. This same agenda has been promoted by globalist institutions like the Summit For A New Global Financing Pact, which has called for the IMF and World Bank to „administrate” these carbon taxes.

In other words, the globalists get billions (or trillions) in funds annually through carbon regulations, then they use that cash as leverage to pressure nations to adopt whatever policies they want. In the meantime, richer western nations break down economically until everyone is equally poor and the globalists control the planetary pocket book. In essence, it’s a modern-day form of feudalism in the name of a climate crisis that doesn’t exist.

Tyler Durden
Sun, 09/01/2024 – 15:45

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