’Chestfeeding’ And Other Transgender Terms Banned In NHS By UK Government

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’Chestfeeding’ And Other Transgender Terms Banned In NHS By UK Government

Authored by Steve Watson via Modernity.news,

The UK government is updating the constitution of the National Health Service specifically to expunge the creeping effort to ‘transition’ medical language by radical gender ideologists.

The move is being taken to ensure hospitals use language that is medically accurate and based in biological science.

It means that terms such as ‘Chestfeeding’ as a replacement for breastfeeding will be effectively banned.

Referring to ‘people with ovaries’ instead of women will also no longer be considered acceptable.

The Telegraph reports that the Health Secretary, Victoria Atkins, is scheduled to announce the changes this week.

The NHS is to crack down on transgender ideology in hospitals, with terms like “chestfeeding” set to be bannedhttps://t.co/D09brjfRgs

— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) April 28, 2024

The update will also prohibit biological men from being treated on single-sex female hospital wards in an effort to protect the “privacy and protection” of women and girls in hospitals.

Previously, biological men self identifying as transgender were able to be treated on women’s wards.

As we also previously highlighted, references to women were erased from NHS advice on the menopause, as well as cervical and ovarian cancer.

In addition, Midwives were mandated to use ‘gender-inclusive’ language and issued a list of ‘acceptable’ terms to use when addressing patients, including “mothers or birthing parents”, “breast/chestfeeding” and “maternal and parental.”

Instead of using the term “breastmilk”, they were asked to choose from “human milk” or “breast/chestmilk” or “milk from the feeding mother or parent.”

In 2022, a Freedom of Information Act request revealed that just 29 of the 142 NHS hospitals in England with maternity units still exclusively use the words “woman” or “mother” to refer to pregnancy, while all the others include terms such as “birthing people” or “pregnant people.”

In February it was also revealed that an NHS hospital had claimed drug-induced ‘chestfeeding’ milk produced by biological men who identify as transgender is just as good as natural mother’s milk for babies.

The taxpayer-funded NHS was also found to be spending huge amounts of money asking patients, mostly elderly people, what gender they identify as.

The government changes are aimed at reversing all of this and ensuring it doesn’t happen with other NHS resources.

Maya Forstater, chief executive of the campaign group Sex Matters, described the move as a “major step” on the path to overturning “capitulation to the demands of gender extremists, which has damaged policies and practices, created widespread confusion and harmed patient care”.

The gender extremists are going down, hard

— Watson (@ImWatson91) April 27, 2024

“These much-needed changes to the NHS constitution will help secure essential sex-based rights in healthcare across England,” she further asserted, adding “Clear language, single-sex wards and access to intimate care provided by a health professional of the same sex are crucial to the wellbeing and safety of female patients.”

“They should never have been compromised,” Forstater urged.

The development comes after the NHS banned puberty blockers ahead of a major review that concluded the drugs are potentially seriously harmful and the grounds on which they are being used not medically sound.

Last year it was revealed that the number of children placed on puberty blockers for ‘gender affirming care’ doubled in the UK in a year despite the government run body saying it would stop the practice outside of clinical trials.

Trans lobbyist groups, some of them government funded, continue to espouse the virtues of the drugs in their materials, which are being actively used inside schools.

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Tyler Durden
Tue, 04/30/2024 – 03:30

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