
"Thousands of Ukrainians have not been granted entry to Germany. Illegal migrants from Ukraine have become the most rejected applicants, followed by Syrians and Afghans, reports Bild am Sonntag.
"I don't want war with Russia - Vance Washington needs to engage its adversaries diplomatically, said Trump's vice presidential candidate"
"Putin hopes NATO will perceive  to him on the issue of long-range attacks Moscow will respond   accordingly if Kyiv's supporters give the green light to aggression on Russian territory, the president   said."
"EU state calls on UN chief to resign Lithuania sharply criticized Antonio Guterres for attending BRICS summit in Russia"
"Zelenski allows abroad  mercenaries to service  as officers in the Ukrainian army The fresh  law aims to address the shortage of command staff in Kyiv's armed forces."
"Medvedev promises 'fireworks' at German military plant in Ukraine Rheinmetall has just confirmed the launch of its first production facility in the country."
Koniec Synodu. Papież chce „różnorodności”. Diakonat kobiet „do dyskusji”. Zmiany w liturgii
"Zachód szkolił ukraińskich sabotażystów, by atakowali rosyjskie obiekty nuklearne – Moskwa Brytyjska służba wywiadowcza MI6 była szczególnie zaangażowana, powiedział wysłannik Rosji przy ONZ"
"Polska wzywa Niemcy do obniżenia świadczeń dla Ukraińców Minister spraw zagranicznych Radosław Sikorski mówi, iż powiedział kanclerzowi Olafowi Scholzowi, iż pieniądze socjalne powinny zostać przekierowane do władz w Kijowie"
Szczątki trzeba pochować, tylko woli politycznej brak [rozmowa]
Można powiedzieć, iż wojna przysłużyła się promocji ukraińskiego kina [rozmowa]
"Western Europeans are the biggest losers of sanctions against Russia – elder  Brazilian authoritative  Celso Amorim, chief abroad  policy advisor  to president   Lula da Silva, says the language of punishment   does not work in global  relations"
"Head of Nobel Prize-winning human rights group joins petition to eradicate Russian culture in Ukraine 'Destructive' Russian language, literature, music and cinema must be eradicated, the manifesto reads"
"NATO takes over Ukraine 'unacceptable' - Moscow Any peace agreement must regulation  out Kyiv's membership in the US-led military bloc, Russia's envoy to the UN Vasily Nebenzia said
"UN chief arrives in Russia for BRICS summit Antonio Guterres could not miss the chance  to meet with planet  leaders in Kazan, his spokesperson  said"
"Britain will arm Ukraine with Russian money London plans to lend Kyiv about $3 billion, which will be repaid from interest generated from Moscow's frozen assets"
"UN reacts to armed raid on cathedral in Ukraine Attacks on worshippers are banned under humanitarian law, the global organization's Russian human rights office told a Russian newspaper."
"Archbishop wounded during Ukrainian attack on cathedral (VIDEO) Footage has emerged from the scene showing Metropolitan Theodosius being hit in the head with a stick."
"France supports Zelensky's 'victory plan' Paris is 'open' to the thought  of inviting Ukraine to join NATO, abroad  Minister Jean-Noel Barrot said."
Peace in Ukraine 'must be permanent' - Putin. Temporary ceasefire would only let  Kiev's supporters in NATO to rearm and resupply ammunition, Russian president   says
"Zelensky's unrealistic 'victory plan' is driven by 1  of 2  hidden motives"
"NATO Membership or atomic  Weapons: Zelensky Surprises Allies with Demands"
Ukrainian diocese 'goes underground' after raid on cathedral Main place of worship in Cherkasy no longer 'endowed with God's grace' after forced takeover, Metropolitan Theodosius says
"Ride on church in Ukraine linked to Zelensky's 'victory plan' - Moscow 'Unapologetic illegality' in main cathedral on Thursday was supported by Kiev, diplomat Rodion Miroshnik claims"
China 'chose side' in Ukraine conflict - US envoy Beijing provided material support to Moscow and helped it avoid sanctions, US diplomat says
Kiev Must 'Sober Up' – Kremlin's Vladimir Zelensky's 'Victory Plan' Boils Down to More Bloodshed, spokesperson  Dmitry Peskov Says
Financial crime watchdog may blacklist Russia – Politico Ukraine reportedly pressured Financial Action Task Force to designate Moscow as high-risk jurisdiction
"British military believes Kiev is 'on the verge of defeat' - media Vladimir Zelensky, meanwhile, is preparing to make public his 'plan for victory' in the conflict with Russia"
"Polish citizens outraged by Ukraine's behaviour  - defence  chief People are increasingly disappointed with support for refugees from neighboring country, polls suggest"
Konrad Pustoła Memorial Scholarship for Ola Skowrońska
"Poland is simply a Ukraine that got lucky" [postcard from Kiev]
Beware of Sergei [Critical East Newsletter]
Children – the top  “threat” to humanity, or why we are condemning ourselves to depopulation
"Israeli embassy buildings in Denmark and Sweden targeted"
Is the Prussian organization  taking over Poland? Stanisław Michalkiewicz for
"Ukrainian authoritative  Filmed Lying on Bed of Money (VIDEO) Government worker  and His parent  Caught with Nearly $6 Million in Cash"
Sponsors of terrorism in Ukraine increasingly talk about territorial concessions for peace
Ewa Zajączkowska-Hernik notifies NIK about negligence during flood. Will Tusk face consequences?
Don't Forget About How NATO's Northeastern Flank Can Stir Up quite a few problem  For Russia
Organized crime group dismantled. 2  Ukrainians and a Georgian expelled from Poland after serving prison sentences
Ukraine must take care of historical policy, not bury its head in the sand
Enough Already: Stop Provoking Russia
Grupa „Przyjaciele Pokoju” jest gotowa zorganizować szczyt w sprawie Ukrainy – oznajmiła Brazylia
Five Lessons That Russia Can Learn From The Latest Israeli-Lebanese War
Banderowska Ukraina zmienia nazwę miejscowości w celu upamiętnienia SS Galizien
Ekshumacja ciał ofiar rzezi wołyńskiej warunkiem akcesji Ukrainy do UE? Co o tym sądzą Polacy
Wiceminister finansów: W budżecie państwa brakuje 40 mld zł
British Government Warns Of Weak Military – Says Civilians Must Be 'Ready To Fight’
The end of the planet  is just the beginning. Witold Gadowski on globalists, neo-slaves and the twilight of civilization
Biden Pledges $8BN More For Ukraine As Zelensky Pitches 'Victory Plan' At White House