Amnesty On The Table: Biden Officials Want Maduro To government Change Himself 2 months ago
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Amnesty On The Table: Biden Officials Want Maduro To Regime Change Himself

A fresh Wall Street Journal report reveals just how desperate Washington officials are to see Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro swiftly exit power, after the US has accused him and his officials of stealing the vote, keeping former diplomat Edmundo González from power while reportedly locking up thousands of opposition supporters.

„The U.S. is pursuing a long-shot bid to push Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro to give up power in exchange for amnesty as overwhelming evidence emerges that the strongman lost last month’s election, people familiar with the matter said,” WSJ writes.

„The U.S. has discussed pardons for Maduro and top lieutenants of his who face Justice Department indictments, said three people familiar with the Biden administration deliberation. One of the sources said that the Biden administration is putting „everything on the table” in order to peaceably persuade Maduro to step down before his term is up in January. To translate, Biden officials are asking nicely: please Mr. Maduro, won’t you cancel yourself?

US DOJ „wanted” chart

But Maduro and his government have hailed him as the legitimate victor of the July 28th national election. He’s set to enter a third 6-year term. He has many times over the last several years accused Washington of plotting coup and regime change against his rule, and there is ample evidence that there is more truth than falsehood to these accusations.

Rather than present the US as in a position of power vis-a-vis Caracas, the whole WSJ report and its claimslargely the product of the usual 'anon security and defense officials’is a testament to just how pathetic, weak, and desperate US policy toward the 'rogue’ state remains.

Maduro will supposedly turn himself in on cocaine charges in return for an 'amnesty’ based on what he sees as total fictions of a fraudulent and 'imperialist’ American system? The following could arguably be some of the dumbest and most fantastical lines ever cooked up by the gaggle of career national security pencil pushers in charge of Latin America policy:

Another person familiar with the talks said the U.S. would be open to providing guarantees not to pursue those regime figures for extradition. The U.S. in 2020 placed a $15 million bounty for information leading to Maduro’s arrest on charges of conspiring with his allies to flood the U.S. with cocaine.

The talks represent a flicker of hope for a Venezuelan political opposition that meticulously collected voter tallies showing its candidate, little-known former diplomat Edmundo González, defeated Maduro in a landslide in the July 28 election. Over the past two weeks, Maduro has jailed thousands of dissidents, maintained the military’s loyalty and tasked the Supreme Court, stacked with his handpicked allies, with resolving the election impasse, buying him time.

Flooding US streets with cocaine? …The CIA might have some past expertise on that.

As recently as Friday, Maduro put it very simply in a televised news conference: „Don’t mess with Venezuela’s internal affairs, that’s all I ask for,” Maduro said.

‘In Secret Talks, U.S. Offers Amnesty to Venezuela’s Maduro for Ceding Power’

I can’t stress how weak of a move this is for the U.S.

The U.S. is offering Maduro a pardon if he steps down. This is an absolute joke. “Kindly step down bc the coup we orchestrated didn’t work”

— Zagonel (@Zagonel85) August 11, 2024

Where does US policy go from here? Biden’s gambit to ease sanctions on Venezuelan crude, bring Maduro 'in from the cold’, and tap cheap energy at a crucial moment of wars in Eastern Europe and the Middle East appears at a standstill.

Now with a crack-brained plan to offer „amnesty” to Maduro having been floated (surely an object of laughter and mockery among Venezuelan officials), perhaps Washington is ready to try the whole Guaidó-style thing with González, who has even less name recognitions internationally, and declare him 'Interim President’.

Tyler Durden
Mon, 08/12/2024 – 18:00

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