'V For Vendetta' Got It Wrong: Tyranny Comes To Britain Under The Political Left

dailyblitz.de 2 months ago
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’V For Vendetta’ Got It Wrong: Tyranny Comes To Britain Under The Political Left

There have been plenty of depictions of dystopian future from popular entertainment media over the years, most of them derivatives of books like Brave New World by Aldous Huxley or 1984 by George Orwell with a contemporary spin. Interestingly, Orwell was inspired to write 1984 by a lesser known dystopian tale called 'We’, written by Russian author Yevgeny Zamyatin during the darkest years of communism. Orwell argued that Huxley was also inspired by We, but Huxley denied it.

Whenever scientific dictatorship is envisioned by fiction writers the end result is usually very similar to already existing socialist regimes. Soviet doctrine and the ideals of the Third Reich were inspired by Karl Marx; meaning, both regimes were built on far-left philosophies. Progressives today often maliciously associate Nazis with conservative thought, but both Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini were avid followers of Marx. As Hitler noted on January 27, 1934, in an interview with Hanns Johst in Frankforter Volksblatt:

“National Socialism derives from each of the two camps the pure idea that characterizes it, national resolution from bourgeois tradition; vital, creative socialism from the teachings of Marxism. Volksgemeinschaft: that means a community of all productive labor, that means the oneness of all vital interests, that means overcoming bourgeois privatism and the unionized, mechanically organized masses, that means unconditionally equating the individual fate and the nation, the individual and the Volk…”

Hitler presented himself as a Christian patriot to win over the German public as they faced economic and moral degradation during the unchecked liberalism of the 1920s, but in private he was not a fan of the religion. Hitler is noted by Albert Speer as saying:

„You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion [Islam] too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?”

In fact, finding and defining a „conservative” totalitarian regime is almost impossible in modern times. Without the defense of free markets, individual liberty, meritocracy and a healthy respect for constitutional fairness one cannot call himself conservative. The Nazis were no more conservative than Neo-Conservatives are conservative, they are simply leftists that pursue ultimate power using nationalism as a proxy instead of pure globalism.

How the „right wing” was culturally associated with authoritarianism is all thanks to modern Hollywood. The same people that write endless tales of Nazi horror have long ignored the even greater genocides of communism in the Soviet Union, China and elsewhere. And, whenever a modern dictatorship is portrayed in art or film it is usually tied somehow to a conservative (and often Christian) takeover of society.

This brings us to a little film called V For Vendetta released in 2006, and it brings us to the tyranny now accelerating in the UK.

V For Vendetta is based on the graphic novel by the same name written by Alan Moore (picture below), a talented British scribe but also known by many in the comics industry as a leftist and communist. Moore’s take on an Orwellian government dominating Britain was decidedly anti-conservative, to no one’s surprise.

The film, directed by the Wachowski Brothers (creators of The Matrix and now both claiming to be „trans women” pictured below), took the anti-conservative view from the comic to even greater extremes with an underlying LGBT propaganda message. V depicts a British government gripped by authoritarian Christian zealots bent on rounding up and exterminating gay people (and anyone else they deem unfit). They use an engineered pandemic crisis to frighten the English population and seize power (sound familiar?), establishing a relentless police state run by sexual degenerates that saturates media with disinformation to keep the public docile.

Another film with a similar theme is Children Of Men (release the same year as V for Vendetta), which uses the UK as a backdrop to showcase the steady decline of humanity after a pandemic ends our ability to have children. The authoritarian government in that tale is dominated by white Brits who round up migrants and place them in concentration camps, and of course a migrant woman ends up being the key to solving the question of infertility.

While most people can relate to the struggle against totalitarianism, the intolerable fallacy being perpetuated is that when the jackboots finally march on the western world they will do so in the name of conservative values and religion. Well, the dystopian nightmare has arrived in the UK, and the truth is quite the opposite.

The British public is being culturally diminished through forced mass immigration to which the government offers no redress. UK authorities are far-left in their ideology and promote globalism as the system which Brits must accept without question. And, those same establishment elites have joined with third-world migrants and Islamic militants to terrorize the population into submission.

Today, UK police are out in force threatening to arrest anyone remotely critical of open immigration or UK migrant policies. They have also doubled down on the two-tier policing that caused the patriot protests and riots to begin with. These are not scenes from V For Vendetta, these are scenes from the UK this week:

The UK police have never spoken like this before. It’s like they’re trying to antagonise tens of millions of peaceful sensible Brits who simply want a conversation.pic.twitter.com/TNRgSpG1Da

— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) August 11, 2024

#UK Police not only want to censor their own citizens, they want to censor those „outside the country,” posting about it.

It’d be a shame if everyone mocked them, and kept posting anyway.

P.S. They don’t have the resources to extradite everyone, nor enough prison cells. pic.twitter.com/3EBXKR05a6

— Emergent Perspective (@_emergent_) August 9, 2024

Make no mistakes, they are coming after @elonmusk’s X for giving political dissidents like @TRobinsonNewEra a platform for free speech!

Ed Balls interviews his wife and UK Home Secretary Yvette Cooper on ITV.pic.twitter.com/IMvkECCcli

— Jonathan Wong (@WGthink) August 5, 2024

UK authorities have now made multiples arrests dealing with social media posts and opinions as well as arresting people who were merely spectators at various protests. They are also searching for ways to take down their political opponents, with leftist politicians using MI6 to investigate Nigel Farage for „financial ties” to Tommy Robinson and Russia. It’s expected that adjacent leftist governments around the world will be following the UK’s example.

Is the far-left really oblivious to their own natural tendencies towards tyranny? Or, is all the media depicting a conservative run dystopia really a form of gaslighting? A means to demonize the very people the elites have long sought to erase from history?

When rebellion against this trend explodes (and it will), many great speeches on liberty similar to those spoken in so many pieces of predictive entertainment will not be spoken by leftists and they won’t apply to leftists. Leftists are not the freedom fighters they imagine themselves to be. They are, in fact, the villains of the story.

Tyler Durden
Tue, 08/13/2024 – 04:15

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